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Monday, February 7, 2011


Normally the forearm lies in a slightly abducted position in relation to the axis of the humerus ( the 'carrying angle'). This varies from about 10 degrees in men to 15 degrees in women ( because of the greater width of the female pelvis in relation to the shoulders).
 Fractures of  the external condlyle of the humerus in young children frequently fail to unite, and continued growth of the medial condyle in later life produces the condition of cubitus valgus, Where forearm may be abducted 45 degrees in relation to the axis of humerus. In this position the ulnar nerve suffers excessive friction at the medial condyle, and an interstitial neuritis develops which produces anesthesia and an insidious paralysis of the small muscles of the hand supplied by the ulnar nerve. If recognised early, transposition of the ulnar nerve in front of the medial epicondyle will avert the further development of symptoms, but it produces little movement if serious wasting of the intrinsic muscle has already developed.

1 comment:

  1. is there any way to cure cubitus valgus, apart from surgical methods?


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